
About Karen

This author Karen has created 9 entries.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of a business consultant?  A business consultant is an expert in all aspects of business management.  Their role is to use accomplished business skills to offer expert advice and guidance to businesses and organisations, to improve business performance. Having identified strengths and weaknesses, they focus on how a company can resolve issues, maximise strategy, add value and increase profits. They work across a wide range of specific areas which include Team Structure, Financial Performance, Staff Retention, Succession

The Dormant Leader – Wanting to make a difference!

ASK yourself “if this was my company I would change XYZ…..?  What would your immediate changes be?  Why would you put them in place? Who would it benefit?  Can you share your ideas and have an opportunity to sit at the big table and have those conversations?  Have you ever been asked for your opinion?  What would hold you back? You are wanting to drag the business forward into present day practices and be ahead of the game.  The trailblazer, breaking

Values & Employee Engagement

Values in a business is something that is often overlooked when we first start out, as its thought that they are not needed until further down the line, once you are established. If there is one thing, I believe we should have absolute clarity on, is our business values from day one. They prevent the hard lessons They give you purpose They reflect your business beliefs They steer the business culture They drive the wheels in your business, as all of the most important decisions

Attract, Engage, and Retain Candidates

Attract, engage and retain the best candidates – It all starts with the interview and creating the right impression. Honesty and integrity are really important here.  If you are a start up with little to no foundations or if your business is stuck, going backwards or on its knees, no matter what state it is in, honesty must prevail here. When you are really keen on someone have you ever noticed yourself overselling the opportunity your business has to offer?  That you

Accountability Ladder

The Accountability Ladder ­–­­ taken from “The Oz Principle – Getting Results Through Individual and Organizational Accountability,” where accountability is defined as “a personal choice

Staff Retention – What Does it Take?

Staff Retention – What Does it Truly Take? You may feel like the biggest budget wins the best staff. But if employment decisions boil purely down to cold hard cash, then you’ll always lose to the highest bidder. So, is staff retention all about the money? Let’s have a look at the main reasons people leave a company… • Uncompetitive salary and benefits • Poor management and leadership • Low morale and poor company culture • Poor communication, feedback and recognition • A lack of training and development

Financial and Workforce Planning…

In our last blog, we looked at the heavy rates of attrition that are unique to the recruitment sector and walked through ways you can attract, onboard and retain the best talent (without having the biggest budget). But… there is much more to add and (as usual) the world turns quickly. When it’s time to hire, future planning and financial planning need to be adopted or you can find yourself in uncomfortably warm water further down the line. Looking at the recent

Happy hiring and onboarding

Happy Hiring! The Top 5 Ways to Onboard and Retain the Best Talent… If we home in on the financial costs of a new recruit, you are looking at £3K just to find someone. However, once you factor in productivity losses, the time it takes for your said recruit to become fully functional and effective, potential equipment costs, agency fees and advertising costs, then that £3K becomes more like £11K. The recruitment sector is renowned for having the highest rates of attrition