By Karen | Founder

About By Karen | Founder

This author By Karen | Founder has created 9 entries.

Step one – Business basics

Deciding to go start up your own recruitment business is a huge step. Getting it right, from the start, is important. Deciding as to whether you need to go NICHE or be a Generalist is another consideration. How fast or steady you want to grow the business, we great a 5 year financial plan for growth and sustainable profits. Systems, processes, and procedures are all necessary and something that you should give a lot of thought to from the beginning. Then there is the soft

Core measurables for success – understanding your business

Financial understanding and how we can use benchmarking in our business is a real key area that we need to spend quality time on. KPIs (key performance indicators) should measure the key areas in your business. They get a lot of bad press as some managers use them as a stick to beat people with. They should be used as a guide for self-improvement and trigger points to bring things back on track. We need measurables in place from top, middle, and

Engage | Train | Retain – Investment in people

Being part of a growing organisation and seeing your efforts being recognised and appreciated is an important thing that should not go unnoticed. Motivation does not always come from dangling a carrot of some sort of incentive. It usually comes alive when there is a clear purpose. “How can we increase employee engagement?”  The answer to this question can be summarized as follows: The main point to focus on to increase employee engagement is employee experience. High employee engagement is a

5 Ways to Onboard and Retain the Best Talent

If we hone in on the financial costs of a new recruit, you are looking at £3K just to find someone. However, once you factor in productivity losses, the time it takes for your said recruit to become fully functional and effective, potential equipment costs, agency fees and advertising costs, then that £3K becomes more like £11K. The recruitment sector is renowned for having the highest rates of attrition of any industry – coming in at a hot and heavy

Succession Planning

From the get go, you need to identify your deputy.  You as the business owner cannot run a business 24/7 365 days a year once you have a client base that is too much for one person to handle. The benefits of succussion planning are the same as staff engagement, it provides people a purpose to their job.  Giving people responsibility of certain jobs that are above the norm, definitely has its benefits. Support your line managers with people assessments. Are your

Values and workplace culture

Values in a business is something that is often overlooked when we first start out, as its thought that they are not needed until further down the line, once you are established. If there is one thing, I believe we should have absolute clarity on, is our business values from day one. They prevent the hard lessons They give you purpose They reflect your business beliefs They steer the business culture They drive the wheels in your business, as all of the most important decisions that